Volunteer Conference 2024

Celebrating Our Fabulous Volunteers: A Memorable Day

Last week, we gathered to celebrate our incredible volunteers at our first in-person event since the global pandemic. It was a day filled with joy, gratitude, and inspiration as we honoured the dedication and hard work of our volunteers.

A massive shout-out to Zurich Community Trust, who funded this event for us. From the decorations to the delicious food to the fabulous goody bags, they went above and beyond to make the day special. They were incredible hosts, and we look forward to working alongside them again in the future.

Welcoming Our Volunteers

As a national charity, we have volunteers all over the country, so we knew it would be a challenge to reach and be accessible to everyone.

We are incredibly thankful to those who attended, some travelling quite far, while others booked a night in a hotel. We were all welcomed with a glass of Prosecco, no-secco, or bucks fizz, which was a great way to start the day.

Special Guests and Speeches

We had the pleasure of teaming up with Josh from the Teenage Helpline Charity. It was inspiring to listen to him and learn about the charity he set up. We look forward to future collaborations.

Listening to our CEO, Charlotte Howden, never fails to leave me in awe. Since joining us in September, she has made significant changes to our ever-growing charity. Her speech captivated everyone, leading us off the planned schedule. It was a humbling moment for us all.

Interactive Training Session

After Charlotte’s speech, we had an interactive and exclusive training session with our Community Engagement Manager, Lindsay Salmon. The feedback highlighted how valuable it was to learn about the medications used in pregnancy and the new RCOG updates. Lindsay’s previous career as a teacher shone through, making everyone laugh with her occasional ‘teacher voice.’

Delicious Afternoon Tea and Discussions

The afternoon tea was a highlight, with enough food to feed at least another ten people! We enjoyed a variety of sandwiches and an impressive array of cream cakes. There was a constant flow of teas and coffees, along with refills of our welcome drinks. While still enjoying our tea, we had a round table discussion focusing on the key findings of our big HG Study 2024.


It was a great opportunity to chat, ask questions, and share insights.

We ended the day with a heartfelt video featuring messages of appreciation for our volunteers. It was an emotional conclusion, reminding us of all the incredible impact our volunteers have.

To each one of you who attended, thank you. It was an absolute pleasure to spend the day celebrating you, and I cannot wait to start planning next year’s event!

Tuesday McEwan, Volunteer Manager, PSS

If you want to find out more about becoming a volunteer for us please email Volunteer@PregnancySicknessSupport.org.uk

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