Our Privacy Policy

At Pregnancy Sickness Support we are committed to protecting your personal data and helping you understand what we are doing with it. We will use your personal data in compliance with all data protection laws, keeping it safe and using it in ways that you would reasonably expect.

Who are we and what do we do?

Pregnancy Sickness Support was founded in 2002 and is the only registered UK charity working to improve care, treatment and support for women and pregnant people suffering from nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) and the severe form of the condition, hyperemesis gravidarum (HG).

Our Registered Charity Number is: 1094788

We are located at:

Arena Business Centre

25 Barnes Wallis Road



PO15 5TT

Telephone: 0800 055 4361


Where does Pregnancy Sickness Support collect your personal data from?

Pregnancy Sickness Support collects your personal data from the following places:

  • When you give it to us

This is the main way that we collect personal data about you. You give us information when:

  • You fundraise for Pregnancy Sickness Support by organising or taking part in an event
  • You donate money directly to Pregnancy Sickness Support
  • You contact Pregnancy Sickness Support to provide you with support or information
  • You contact Pregnancy Sickness Support to share your personal experiences
  • You volunteer for Pregnancy Sickness Support
  • You order goods or services from Pregnancy Sickness Support
  • You complain to us about something that we have done
  • You apply to work for us
  • You sign up to charity and fundraising activities and appeals
  • You sign up to receive information and service communications
  • When you give permission to other organisations to provide Pregnancy Sickness Support with your personal data
  • We receive personal data about you from an event organiser e.g. London Landmarks Half Marathon when you have asked them to share your personal data with Pregnancy Sickness Support, perhaps because you are running and raising money for Pregnancy Sickness Support.We also receive personal data about you from an online fundraising site such as Just Giving and Enthuse. These organisations will only provide us with your personal data if you have given your consent to do so.

  • We also receive personal data about you if you make a donation via social media e.g. Facebook.

When your personal data is available publicly

  • We receive information about you from social media accounts, for instance if you tag Pregnancy Sickness Support in one of your posts.

What personal data does Pregnancy Sickness Support collect?

Personal data is information that can be used to identify you.

Pregnancy Sickness Support collects and stores the following personal data where it is relevant and needed in your contact with us:

  1. Personal information about you such as your name, gender, marital status, date of birth, contact details (including postal address, telephone number, email address, social media identity)
  2. Financial information such as your bank account or credit card details where you provide these to make a payment, or your tax status to enable us to claim gift aid
  3. Your marketing preferences such as whether you wish to receive our e-newsletters
  4. Donation information such as details of any gifts you have given to Pregnancy Sickness Support
  5. Event information such as details of any Pregnancy Sickness Support events you have registered for or participated in
  6. Information which helps us understand our relationship with you and your reasons for supporting Pregnancy Sickness Support
  7. Employment information such as your job title and your employer
  8. Visual information about you such as photographs and, in the case of certain events, film
  9. Medical and pregnancy information (physical or mental health conditions) about employees, service users and volunteers
  10. Information about your activities on our website and about the device you use to access these, such as your IP address and geographical location.

How do we use your personal data?

How we use your personal information will depend on how you interact with us.

The details below set out how you could interact with Pregnancy Sickness Support, what we are doing with your personal data, our lawful basis for processing your data, and our legitimate interest (if we are relying on this).

We will only keep your information for as long as we need it. The maximum period will be 7 years since our last interaction with you.

The lawful bases we use to process your personal data are: –

⦁ Consent

This is where we have asked you if we can use your personal data in a certain way and you have clearly agreed to this. If we are relying on consent as our lawful basis to process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

⦁ Legal obligations

If we are relying on this as our legal basis to process your personal data, we are complying with a common law or statutory obligation.

⦁ Fulfilling contracts

This is where we need to process your personal data to fulfil a contractual service to you.

⦁ Our legitimate interest

This is where we are processing your personal data in ways that you would reasonably expect. If we are using this basis, we have conducted a legitimate interest assessment to make sure that we have a legitimate interest, that the processing is necessary to achieve that interest and that we have balanced our interests against your interests, rights, and freedoms.

Where we are relying on this basis, we have outlined a summary of our legitimate interest.

If you are in contact with us or use our services, we may ask you if you would like to hear from us about our charitable and fundraising activities. You can unsubscribe from hearing from us at any time. This will not impact the service you receive from us.

What are we doing Our lawful basis for processing your personal data What our legitimate interest is  The maximum time we will hold this data

Providing organisers of fundraising events with details of participants


Legitimate interest


To enable organisers of fundraising events to know who is taking part.


7 years

Using images of participants (including children) for PR and promotional purposes for current and future events


Your consent (parental/guardian consent in the case of children)


  5 years

Processing surveys on past events


Your consent   7 years

Contacting and managing participants at events who are fundraising for PSS to offer support, encouragement, and congratulations.


Fulfilling contracts

Our legitimate interest

Your consent


To fundraise to conduct research and provide information and support services.


7 years

What are we doing Our lawful basis for processing your personal data What our legitimate interest is  The maximum time we will hold this data

Processing orders for fundraising materials, goods, and clothing on our website or online shops Contract   7 years

What are we doing Our lawful basis for processing your personal data What our legitimate interest is  The maximum time we will hold this data

Processing direct debit donations Our legitimate interest By offering different ways to donate to us our donors can choose the most appropriate method for them, which helps to maximise income for us. 7 years after Direct Debit cancelled.

Processing cheque, cash receipts, text donations and bank transfers


Our legitimate interest By offering different ways to donate to us our donors can choose the most appropriate method for them, which helps to maximise income for us. 7 years

Processing fundraising from online giving sites


Our legitimate interest By offering different ways to donate to us our donors can choose the most appropriate method for them, which helps to maximise income for us. 7 years

Processing gift aid


Our legitimate interest

If a donor is a UK taxpayer, PSS can increase its income by reclaiming the tax due on the gift


7 years
Saying Thank you Comms Our legitimate interest

To thank people who have donated to PSS and to make them feel supported


7 years
Processing direct BACS payments to PSS Our legitimate interest By offering different ways to donate to us our donors can choose the most appropriate method for them, which helps to maximise income for us. 7 years

What are we doing Our lawful basis for processing your personal data What our legitimate interest is  The maximum time we will hold this data

Processing payments to suppliers


Fulfilling contract   7 years

Processing payments to volunteers


Fulfilling contract   7 years

What are we doing Our lawful basis for processing your personal data What our legitimate interest is  The maximum time we will hold this data

Managing complaints Your consent   7 years

What are we doing Our lawful basis for processing your personal data What our legitimate interest is  The maximum time we will hold this data  

Processing information people have provided to us by any webform eg pregnancy information, donations etc


Your consent   7 years

Using essential cookies to run our website and keep it secure


Legitimate interest

To enable our website functions and services to work


6 months after last interaction

What are we doing Our lawful basis for processing your personal data What our legitimate interest is  The maximum time we will hold this data

Providing personalised health, emotional and informational support to people who contact us


Your consent   7 years
Providing general information and support to people who contact us Your consent   18 months

Processing and storing and publishing consent forms to publish and share personal stories including images and film


Your consent   7 years

What are we doing Our lawful basis for processing your personal data What our legitimate interest is  The maximum time we will hold this data

Processing requests from you via our website for emails and fundraising materials

Transferring website requests to automated emailing platforms


Your consent





Your consent


7 years





7 years


What are we doing Our lawful basis for processing your personal data What our legitimate interest is  The maximum time we will hold this data

Recruitment of staff (unsuccessful candidates)


Legal obligations   6 months after assessment
Employed staff members of PSS Please see Volunteer & Staff Privacy Policy    
Volunteers and Trustees of PSS Please see Volunteer & Staff Privacy Policy    

Who do we share your personal data with?

At Pregnancy Sickness Support we will only share your data when we have a need to do so. The main reasons will be to provide you with the service you require e.g. processing payments from you via BACS or because we are using the services of a specialist company where we do not have the necessary expertise, such as Stripe for payments and BeaconCRM our database software.

We will never sell your information to a third party for marketing purposes. We ensure that all organisations that are processing your personal data on our behalf have the highest standards of security and will not use your personal data for anything other than our agreed purposes that we have set out in this policy.

We may share anonymised data relating to specific health conditions or lifestyle issues with non-profit health research organisations with the aim of improving public health, and it may be used in research publications. This will only be done in an anonymised manner or with your express consent if you participate in a Patient Participation Investigation (PPI) research.

Automated decision-making

Pregnancy Sickness Support does not carry out profiling or take significant decisions about individuals by wholly automated means. The only exception to this is where Pregnancy Sickness Support collates email addresses of previous years’ participants in sporting events who have fundraised for Pregnancy Sickness Support. This data is used to target potential participants to fundraise for Pregnancy Sickness Support at future sporting events.

Storing your information outside the EEA

In very limited circumstances, Pregnancy Sickness Support may transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Pregnancy Sickness Support will ensure that the country to which your personal data is transferred ensures an adequate level of protection for your rights and freedoms.

Your rights

You have the following rights:

  1. The right to be informed of how your personal data is used – we do this in the Privacy Policy and providing links to this Privacy Policy when we are collecting personal data from you.

  1. The right to access your personal data (Subject Access Request – SAR)– you can submit a request to find out about the information we hold about you.

  1. The right to object to the processing of your personal data – if we are processing your personal data under the legitimate interest lawful basis.

  • The right to have your personal data rectified – you can request that we correct your personal data if it is incorrect or incomplete.

  • The right of portability of your personal data – you can request that some of your personal data is transferred to you or to another organisation.

  • The right to be forgotten – you can request that we delete your personal data.

  • The right to have your personal data restricted – you can request that we stop processing your personal data and only store it.

  • The right to object to direct marketing – you can object to direct marketing at any point and we will not send you any further marketing communications unless you change your mind.

  • The right to withdraw consent – if we are relying on your consent as our lawful basis for processing your personal data, you can withdraw your consent for processing at any time.

  • The right to complain about our processing of your personal data – please contact office@pregnancysicknesssupport.org.uk so that we can help you. If you wish you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113 or via their

If you would like to exercise your right to a SAR you can do this verbally or in writing (including social media). A request is valid if it is clear that you are asking for your own personal data. You do not need to use a specific form of words, refer to legislation or direct the request to a specific contact.

However, If you have any questions or queries about this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to exercise any of your rights and direct your request to a particular person,  please contact the Data Protection Officer at the address and contact details below:

In writing: Data Protection Officer, Arena Business Centre, 25 Barnes Wallis Road, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5TT

Tel: 0247 638 2020

Email: office@pregnancysicknesssupport.org.uk

Data Protection Officer:

Charlotte Howden

Chief Executive Officer


We will comply with your SAR without undue delay and at the latest within one month of receiving the request.

This time may be extended to a further two months if the request is complex or if we have received a number of requests from you, eg other types of requests relating to individuals’ rights.

If we process a large amount of information about you, we may ask you to specify the information or processing activities their request relates to, if it is not clear. The time limit for responding to your request is paused until we receive clarification, although you should supply any of the supplementary information you can do within one month.

We need to be satisfied that you are the individual requesting access and may ask you for ID if this is not clear from your request. We shall ask for ID promptly and pause the response period until this has been received.

We will reply to you in the format that you requested the SAR, unless this was via social media. Then we shall ask your preference on how to receive the information requested. Pregnancy Sickness Support will endeavour to use a form of communication that is accessible.

When can Pregnancy Sickness Support refuse to comply with a request?

There are certain exemptions that apply which may mean that we can refuse to provide all or some of the requested information, depending on the circumstances.

We can refuse to comply with a SAR if it is manifestly unfounded or manifestly excessive.

If we refuse to comply with a request we will:

Let you know the reasons why;

Inform you of your right to make a complaint to the ICO or another supervisory authority; and your option to seek to enforce this right through the courts.

What happens if your request involves information about other individuals?

Where possible, we will consider whether it is possible to comply with the request without disclosing information that identifies another individual. If this is not possible, we do not have to comply with the request except where the other individual consents to the disclosure or it is reasonable to comply with the request without that individual’s consent.

We will respond to you whether we decide or not to grant your request when a third parties information is involved.

For more information please click here to find out more about SARs on the Information Commissioners Office website.

We may at our discretion amend this Privacy Policy from time to time.  Please check here to ensure you understand the version of our Privacy Policy which will apply at that time.

This Privacy Policy was last updated in November 2023